Cyril is NO MORE

project for performers, video and electronics

(2013) 10.30′

The core of this project and first version contained an animation and fixed media electronics. Animation was created by Lukáš Medek based on Žurková’s cartoon ideas. The piece was inspired by the poem Cyril by Václav Vrobel. This particular version of the project was prepared in collaboration with ballet dancers Jana Horňáčková and Lenka Režná. There are several version of the project, the latest version was often performed by Feux Follets ensemble as a live improvised music: inside piano with electronics, performance and video.

 Cyril is no more by Václav Vrobel (translated from Czech):

‘Always, when Cyril’s friends got the impression that he felt constricted, they sewed for him new, looser pants. In his twenty-six years he tragically lost himself in the right trouser leg and died of exhaustion. His body was never found.’

Performed by Jana Horňáčková, Lenka Režná (performers) and Darina Žurková (electronics), May 2013, Orlí Street Theatre, Brno, CZ


photo © Adam Kencki